New to Arizona? Our climate is uniquely dry and poses many challenges to expert gardeners. Learn some tips for success.
What's wrong with my plant?
What's wrong with my plant?
What's wrong with my plant?
Pest issues, disease, or herbicide damage?
We've compiled some images for you to reference.
Native plant Guide
This is a list of native plants that we try to grow throughout the year. Sometimes these plants are not available, check our availability for what we currently have on hand.
tree, shrub, cactus plant guide
Northern Arizona is a mix of many different micro-climates. What works for your friend one town over might not work for you.
Check out this guide to find out what grows in your area.
Vegetable guide
Vegetable guide
Not sure when to plant Tomatoes? Looking grow your own fresh salad greens? Check out our guide to see when your favorites are ready
Verde River Growers
300 S. Rocking Chair Ranch Rd. Cottonwood, AZ 86326